Full Immersion nel Megalomanismo » Blog Archive » One of the first partys – 14th of november 2008

One of the first partys – 14th of november 2008

Hello guys and girls. How are you? I’m so fine!

Now I can understand how the American people under 21 spend their time in USA: partys! To be honest I just knew that, but now I’m sure: I tried the style of the American’s party on my skin. So, What have I to talk about the American’s partys?? Oh a lot of alcohol, a lot of girls drunk and now I know that the worst people about drinking alcohol are the Orientals. Oh my God!

One Japanese girl in the party (I can’t really remember the name), maybe made 5 or 6 cocktail for me with 3 quarters of alcohol and one quarter of orange juice. And this not only for me but probably for almost all guys in the party.

Tim and me went to “bay point”, place for the students (like “il vantaggio” in Little Italy). Here we had to meet other 5 guys for go to the party together. We went out, then 3 guys over 21 entered to the “Drugs store” for buy some alcohol (the alcohol is the pass for the party: you have to buy something if you want to enter) while we went to the party by taxi. We arrived at 10pm. At this time there were something like 10 people not more. Just in one hour the house was almost full. Very very good time!!

I wasn’t completely drunk, i could understand every thing (Everybody that know me, know that I don’t like drink so much) but a lot of people was very very fucked! I knew two guys from Italy, very friendy but very “terroni”.

Here, you can only dream eletronic music. Here, there is only this fucking Salsa and all the stupid guys that come from America Latina had all the dance floor with the girls. I have to learn how can I dance this music! Really all the guys could dance expect me and other European people! So we had a good time except for the dance.

We came back to “bay point” by taxi. We wanted to sleep outside. It was so late to come back home. So We entered in the Melvin’s house (Melvin is the guy with the chewgum in the photos of the party), I played a little bit guitar and than we went to bad. We woke up at 2 o’clock and we went to jacuzzi (exclusive for the people of bay point): it was very relaxing (maybe the water was something like 60 degrees: it was very hard while i was entering in the water). After a couple of hours we came back home at 6.40pm.

Anyway i had a very good time and i hope to do something like this very soon.

Here there are some photo of the party and the day after:

Ok.. for today that’s all..

See you soon my dears!!!


12 Responses to “One of the first partys – 14th of november 2008”

  1. Matti

    (sottolineo che sono il primo)

    noto con piacere che te la spassi, qui invece più si avvicna l’inverno e meno roba c’è da fare, nn c’è niente da fare al sabato sera (a meno che uno non voglia andare al JOIA), e questo credo che sia a dir poco sconvolgente..un po’ ti invidio perchè secondo me li stai da dio, nuova vita, nuovi amici, nuovi posti, per un anno, giusto per staccare..che dire, hai fatto bene..

    comunque scrivere ogni 5 giorni per me non vuol dire tenere aggiornato un blog :)

    Bella pinky ivertiti ;)

  2. gonzo

    mi dicono che party al plurale fa parties..

  3. Raziel

    e a me dicono che “elettric music” non vuol dire nientre…

    bella Pinky!!

  4. pinkynrg

    I’m sorry but for me parties doesn’t make sense.. “partys” is the real plural of “party”


    Raziel the next time tell me something about the correction.. if you want to correct you have also to write what i have to write.. I think so is “electronic music”, but the next time write something ;)

  5. dado

    beh secondo me noi ci sappiamo sfasciare meglio degli americani..

    cmq io tutto bene in ufficio..

  6. pinkynrg

    Mi fa piacere dadino.. ma cosa fai di particolare?! Spiegami un po’..

  7. sara

    prima dei verbi su mette il to…ti prego pinky!!!!!!
    to go..non for go…correggi…
    cmq bravo che ti diverti…mi fa piacere…
    poi zero commenti tanto ci sent tutti i giorni su msn

  8. pinkynrg

    No no i commenti ci vogliono.. quelli seli voglio rileggere, posso rileggerli.. le chattate su MSN no… quindi scrivi scrivi commenti :)

  9. dani

    i wish you a merry christmas…

  10. pinkynrg

    dani cosa stai dicendo?? Natale tra più di un mese.. bah.. non ti capirò mai.. il tuo tasso di stupidità è alle stelle!! ahahahahahahahaha.. mi manka il tuo “senso dell’umorismo”!

  11. pinkynrg

    Grazie papà per le correzioni inviate via mail!!

  12. Matti


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