Full Immersion nel Megalomanismo » Blog Archive » Maybe within the next year…

Maybe within the next year…

Maybe within the next year I’ll be able to start writing posts on this blog as I used to. Right now school is keeping me super busy, and being so, I’ve almost no spare time to spend on this blog. I’ll write as often as I can, but still, I’ll be sort of absent.

This is meant to be a courtesy message, for letting you know that I’m still alive and even more important I still care about all of you.

Thanks all, and sorry for the inconvenient inconvenience.

One Response to “Maybe within the next year…”

  1. Chiara Bolognesi

    ..Così non puoi più dire che non commento mai ! :) Sono pure la prima, che onore! Vorrà dire che continueremo ad aspettare tue notizie ugualmente, tanto tra un po’ ti riavremo in carne ed ossa! Buon proseguo Vicino, un bacione grasso!! ns22

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