Full Immersion nel Megalomanismo » Blog Archive » L’ultimo dell’anno! ::: 今年最後の日! ::: ultimo dia do ano! ::: letzter Tag des Jahres! ::: The last day of the year!

L’ultimo dell’anno! ::: 今年最後の日! ::: ultimo dia do ano! ::: letzter Tag des Jahres! ::: The last day of the year!

Good evening everybody.. How are you doing? What did you decide to improve about yourself the last day of the year? Quit smoking? Begin to be a better person? or just hope that this 2009 will be better than 2008?

About me, I just decided to take the last day of the year like all the other normal days, using to drink a little bit more alcohol when I was near the midnight and just for those 6 hours during the party in the night, take everything easy in completely relax with everybody and especially with myself.

I and Tim decided to go in a couple of parties in Ocean Beach & Pacific Beach, two of the most popular suburbs in San Diego, but we didn’t know where we were going. For those parties, I trusted Tim for almost everything. In the afternoon, I’d liked to call the guy that had the information about the place, the time and those stuff, but Tim obviously didn’t have the number. Anyway, with the explanation that Tim told me, I imagined that the party was where we have gone these 3 months in the last parties in San Diego.

In the afternoon, I went to the supermarket Vons to buy some alcohol, like what everybody use to do, before go to the party.

My host mother just for the last day of the year bought the alcohol for me. She said that it was impossible spend the last day of the year without drink something, deciding to help me.

In the evening, at almost 6 pm o’clock, we went out. We decided before to go in “In n’ Out” (in my opinion, the best place where you can eat fresh fries & hamburger) to have dinner, then we took the bus to go to Jason’s house, the guy that had to bring us to the party.

Finally, after one hour and half we arrived in front of his house. After that Tim knocked the door, I realized where we were going. In front of me, I could see a guy like 30 years old. At the time, I was wondering if Tim has the ability to think sometimes. Damn, I don’t pretend always, just occasionally. That’s not all. After just those 30 seconds, I understood that he was an American guy not a foreigner like us, so I realized that probably the party was just with older American guys.

Anyway, we had to wait one hour and half in Jason’s house for his friend. After a couple of beers, finally the friend arrived and we could go to the party. After something like 20 minutes, we arrived.

Everybody was like 30 years old and the style of the party was really different to the normal party that we have used to go in this 3 months. It was very difficult stay there for the first hour, but after that we began to feel really well. We talked with everybody about our experience here in San Diego: school, host family and our feeling about stay here very far to our country. I have to say that when I’m drunk, I can speak really good, ’cause you don’t use to think so much what do you want to say, but you just use to go ahead with a lot of spontaneity and relax. At eleven o’clock arrived somebody with our same age: Janine with one her friend, our classmates in Kaplan Aspect.

One thing very sad in America about the midnight in the last day of the year, is that here nobody use to use the fireworks. Here, no iper colourful sky, no bunches of people that lose fingers or arms in the night and no all the pets that freak out for the bursts and go under the table: that’s so sad!

At two o’clock we left for change party. We arrived, that the party was almost over. Also in this party there were just people over 25, but I didn’t care anymore ’cause they were really friendly. I just played a couple of time with a Play Station’s game, where you have to play with a fake guitar, then we decided to go at home.

I didn’t think to enjoy so much. I’m really satisfied to join those parties.

Anyway, here we go with the photos!

For today that’s it. Write you soon guys!


15 Responses to “L’ultimo dell’anno! ::: 今年最後の日! ::: ultimo dia do ano! ::: letzter Tag des Jahres! ::: The last day of the year!”

  1. Matti

    scusa prinzel, ma sono sveglio da una decina di minuti e non ce l’ho fatta a leggermelo in inglese, lo farò tra qualche ora..
    devo dire che mi avevi promesso che l’avresti scritto l’1, invece ieri sono passato a vedere e non c’era un bel niente..
    vabè stavolta ci passerò sopra..
    buon anno ;)

  2. sara

    io invece ho letto tutto….sono stata brava!!
    buon anno caro!
    ps. gli strfalcioni ci sono sempre eh!!!hihihi… bacio

  3. pinkynrg

    Hai ragione Sara, ho appena corretto una marea di boiate. L’ho scritto ieri sera, tardi, senza troppa voglia di scrivere, ma avendo promesso a Sarati di scriverglielo un giorno prima, dovevo assolutamente postarlo. In ogni modo adesso fa meno schifo di prima.


  4. luci

    ciao pinky!!!! scusa se non mi sono fatta sentire…beh BUON ANNO in ritardo!!!! ovviamente non ho letto niente di quello che hai scritto in inglese!!! :-) ma il post prima si!!!
    io sono tornata ieri notte da praga…mama che freddo che c’era!!!!
    baci baci

  5. dado

    oh meli happy new year!!!

    io l’ho letto tutto e ho capito il più possibile..

    cmq janna sembra una bella ragazza..dico sembra che poi dal vivo lo saprai meglio te..

    non fare danni

  6. Papà

    Divertente questo post .
    Il tuo inglese mi ricorda Sordi in ” Un americano a Roma ”

    Luca promised he would have asked for the job, as soon as possible.
    It would be awesome if they were in agreement. My fingers are crossed.

    Please don’t drink alcohol ever, it kills more than tobacco.

  7. sara

    mooolto saggio!!!

  8. dani

    io ho letto tutto grazie al traduttore di google… fai molto bene a cercarle tardone… sono più esperte.. ah quasi dimenticavo.. grazie al corso de agostini ora posso scriverti anche io in inglese…
    Lesson Two: merry christmas and happy new year. Thank you.

  9. pinkynrg

    Oh bella Dani. Comunque inizia a mettere virgole e soggetti, cosi la prossima volta evito di leggere il commento 8 volte per capire di cosa stai parlando. Comunque fà la tarda ma non lo è. Penso stia studiando sistemi informatici =).

  10. dani


  11. dani

    ah pinky mi suggeriresti 5 hot words(tipo slang) californiane degli ultimo mesi che si abbinino con green o con hill o con sheep che dobbiamo prendere un dominio?
    ah la combinazione più è idiota meglio è accetta..

  12. pinkynrg

    Ok allora: primo, dopo la “e” (congiunzione) non va mai la virgola, (solo poeti e musicisti si possono permettere questo). Secondo, non puoi usare la virgola (,) come punto (.): E’ SCORRETTO!!

    Terzo, tra 10 minuti parto per andare a scuola quindi ti “posto” qualcosa quando torno a casa.

    Domanda: ma voi me l’avevate mandata davvero una cartolina o no?

  13. dani

    sisi era anche spettacolare… con natale in mezzo ci vorrà un po’…

  14. Matti

    si ok però adesso scrivi anche qualcos’altro se no ci annoiamo..
    vedi di essere più produtivo nel 2009..

  15. sara

    dai pinky scrivi qualcosaaaa….mi annoio….voglio leggere le tue news!!!!Bacione

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