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Archive for the ‘giornate quotidiane’ Category

Halloween 2010

Halloween: what a nice holiday to celebrate. Two years ago I would have never thought I was going to end up liking this day so much. Well, this is what I decided to be this year: half devil and half angel. Even though I made the call at the really last minute I could put all pieces together in time.

This year I needed Peter’s help for the eye make up, and by the way yes, he is a genius at that. Thanks Peter. Here a couple of pictures taken in the bathroom while I was getting dressed for the party:

Once we got ready, before leaving we went to the leaving room where Judy was waiting us to take a couple pictures. Well if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have had pictures of my costume at all. thanks Judy!

I don’t think I ever wrote anything about my new two roommates. For all those people who have no idea who I am talking about here they are: Estelle dressed as a Gangster and Sarah dressed as a nerd (which was clearly noticeable by her t-shirt – covered in the picture – that says “I Nerds”). I know this is not very relevant but for some reason I keep thinking that I would like to wear glasses such as Sarah’s in regular life, and people keep telling me I have some problems. Wouldn’t you wear them? I just love’em!

And even here, there it is, the picture that reflects my ego.

When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween.
~Author Unknown~

A Stupid Video

Here it is. This is the kind of things my roommates and I do whenever we feel bored. Well, watch this video just if you have nothing better to do. I’m serious.

The next post won’t be a video. It won’t even be as retarded as this last post. I promise. ns22

Informative Speech for my Speech Class

This is one of the most ridiculous videos ever made by Francesco Meli. You are about to watch an informative speech about the dumping business conducted by the Camorra in Naples.

Well, at least I completed the assignment. Waiting for the grade.

[updated 31st of October 2010]

grade: 92% – A

Maybe within the next year…

Maybe within the next year I’ll be able to start writing posts on this blog as I used to. Right now school is keeping me super busy, and being so, I’ve almost no spare time to spend on this blog. I’ll write as often as I can, but still, I’ll be sort of absent.

This is meant to be a courtesy message, for letting you know that I’m still alive and even more important I still care about all of you.

Thanks all, and sorry for the inconvenient inconvenience.

Arrivati alla fine del primo semestre estivo

Dopo una brutale attesa di 2 settimane il tanto atteso voto di Fisica e’ arrivato.

Qui invece, il link al recente post riguardante il lavoro svolto durante il corso.

Alla prossima.

Simple Pleasures

Normally, the ideal bartender at Starbucks keeps drinks organized, writing the customers’ name on their cup so when it is time to call it out, everthing ends up being more efficient. I used to love this idea.

If anybody remembers, Deborah (Debra on the cup), was one of my first dear roommates here is San Diego. It was December 2008 when I met her for the first time. We had such a good time together, that at some point she promised me to come back to San Diego.

Guess what? After almost two years, I found her, and her two friends Julia and Rafaela, back here in San Diego. Well, I gotta be honest. It wasn’t purely a surprise. She gave me a heads up before coming here, asking if I was gonna be in town when she would have arrived here but still; I was positively shocked when I saw her again.

This whole thing happened almost a month ago, when Romain and Nelson were still here with us (the reason why I’m writing about it only now is that I just received the pictures today). What’s better than going with an old friend and a couple of roommates to chatter somewhere?

Well, we had a lot of fun talking about these last two years. Unfortunately though, because of that stupid physics course, this was the only time we could actually hang out all together.

Before leaving the park to go back home, my dear roomie left me a package. This package contained a pair of flip-flops or, I would better say the pair of flip-flops. Two years ago, before leaving, Deborah’s mother gave me this present but unfortunately they were an 8 long instead to be an 11. I know you guys don’t really care about it. I just wanna say thanks a lot mainly for two reasons: firstly because you remembered about it even after a couple years and secondly because my old pair of flip-flops (cannot figure out how), got broken right the day after you left, so if it wasn’t for you I would be wandering San Diego barefoot.

I hope to see ya again roomie!

Odore d’estate

Stamattina ho respirato per la prima volta l’estate nell’aria.

Ti svegli e sai che e’ vacanza. Ti senti libero. Mi piacerebbe davvero riuscire a descrivere questa sensazione, ma non e’ un’impresa per niente facile. Cos’e'? Sara’ il sole fuori dalla finestra? O e’ il flusso d’aria fresca che entra dalla porta aperta di camera mia? Sara’ l’orario che dice 9.34AM ma io sto’ ancora dormendo con tanto di bava sul cuscino, caccola all’occhio, e gamba scoperta che penzola giu’ dal letto. Apro gli occhi a fatica e’ la prima cosa a cui penso e’ spiaggia.

L’odore del sole e’ davvero inebriante oggi. Certo che il sole ha odore; come l’intenso blu del cielo verso le due di pomeriggio ha odore. Per non parlare poi di quella brezza che proprio quando te lo scordi ti ricorda che e’ estate.

Si, stamattina mi sono svegliato proprio di buon umore. Il corso estivo di fisica e’ finalmente finito. Il pensiero che in un mese potro’ andarmi a bere una birra con gli amici dopo mangiato mi eccita non poco. In programma, due notti a Las Vegas con Miss T., un paio di amici, ed un paio di galloni di Martini. Se tutto andra’ come deve andare il 17 Settembre verso le 8 di mattina dovremmo essere sulla I-15 diretti verso il Nevada.

Ma senza perdere troppo tempo, torno immediatamente al 18 Agosto, mi indosso il costume, prendo il telo da spiaggia, mi metto gli occhiali, chiavi, cellulare, e Ipod in tasca e via che esco di casa: destination Pacific Beach.

Una giornata stupenda. Ho addirittura deciso di fare il bagno (giusto per evitare fraintesi, qua a San Diego non e’ rituale fare il bagno a meno che tu sia un surfer equipaggiato con tanto di tuta termica. L’acqua qui a San Diego e’ gelata.)

Verso le 5 di pomeriggio torno a casa. Raphael, uno dei nuovi studenti, ha appena comprato una longboard della Sector. Non perdo due minuti ed esco di casa per provarla. Una longboard non ha nulla a che fare con un normale skateboard da strada. Diciamo che paragonare una longboard con un normale skate e come paragonare una moto da cross con una moto da strada: con la prima ci fai impennate, sgommate, salti, e trick di vario genere, mentre con la seconda scheggi tra una macchina e l’altra ad alta velocita’.

Dopo una decina di minuti, giusto il tempo necessario per adattarsi alle differenza della nuova tavola, comincio ad andare a scheggia su e giu per la pista ciclabile della Liberty Station una zona a due metri (o meglio quattro piedi) da casa. Qui, mi sono immerso in una bellissima zona di San Diego mai vista prima.

Verso le 7 di sera torno a casa.

A San Diego e’ finalmente arrivata l’estate. Ritardataria, ma anche lei si e’ fatta viva.